Saturday, December 11, 2010

Closed for Snow Day

I know, I know my new blog quest has not started out all that productive. When I decided to attempt this quest of "kindness" I didn't anticipate the SNOW! I clearly think I need to re-evaluate what days I choose to do "good deeds" on and SNOW days are NOT going to be one of those days.

The attempt to be kind by word or deed is really rather difficult by nature for me. I mean I really had to think about what I could say to someone that could be considered kind. I decided that it would be better for me not to say anything to one particular person I came in contact with today, rather than say something unkind. This was a real act of self-control, so I guess I could consider myself a success for the day! Yay me!

My day was blessed however, with visits from Jaxin, Kingston and Terril. Then Nathan, Tiffany, Coby, Chase and Caitlyn brought over pizza for dinner. We watched the beginning of Polor Express about six times, I do mean the beginning, the very beginning even before the credits began. We watched the one particular scene where the train goes around the mountain then we watched it again and again 5 more times. That's the way we do things at my house when we have our lovable grandson Coby around.

Coby is autistic with a few OCD habits, one of which is to watch the same scene of a movie repeatedly. We all (the entire 21 members of this family) have become very familiar with the ritual and it doesn't seem to bother anyone when we are all together. Coby is now 5 and has been diagnosed with Autism for about 2 years ago. We are extremely lucky to have Coby in our family, he belongs here, he fits, he is comfortable and he fulfills our need for continued unconditional love. I am so thankful for the grandson that was sent to us named Coby, I love him dearly.

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