Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Paradox

I've never gone this long without taking down my Christmas tree.  It is now the 4th of January, there are still Christmas ornaments on the table, Santa is still standing in the corner of the living room. Norman just put the tree back in the box and took it back downstairs,  (Obviously it's not a live tree).  It seemed as if it took forever for the holidays to arrive but then they are gone before I realize that the season has passed.

Again, this holiday brought about memories of Christmas' past.  I recalled a Christmas when a tree went flying across the room and all children stood in amazement as we watched our mother laugh until she cried.  Mom has a way with rearranging every piece of furniture around the room, standing back to view the arrangement then moving on to the next possible room set up.  My mother would have dad move the furniture and the tree just a little to the right then back a little to the left until finally, this particular Christmas, he tossed the tree back to the starting place from the beginning of the night.  Dad went and got his hammer and nails and nailed the tree to the floor, that was that! It looked really good that year, right back where we started. None of us children dared say anything otherwise, it became a Christmas to remember.  I realize now as an adult that the memory is a fond memory because of the way my mother reacted to the situation.  It was her laughter that had softened a tense moment with young eyes looking on.  She knew that those memories are made by the actions of the parents, good or bad.  Mom always made them good!

There were times as a child that I wondered why my mom would stand back and look at the living room from a distance.  It seemed like she was always in deep thought, contemplating the answers to some of life's deepest questions.  Then as life got more complicated for a growing girl, it became more like stepping out of hole and looking at the problem from a different perspective.  I begun to get it!  It was not that long ago that I saw this phenomena in still a different "ah ha" moment.  The paradox!

Driving along the road between Mesquite and St George I got to thinking about how quickly the side of the road, things were speedily sweeping by me.  I could hardly keep my eyes focused on the sage brush closest to the road side.  I became dizzy trying to keep up with the fast pace of the passing scenery.  As I glanced a little further away from the roadside bushes the scene started to slow down.  I could keep my eyes on a focal point a little bit longer and the dizziness went away.  I looked even farther out the window, perhaps several miles away, the scenery went by in slow motion.  I could easily stay focused on one spot.   It's a law in science that actually exists. This is called a paradox!

So it is for me in life, I seem to get caught up in the daily grind and forget to step back to look at the picture from a distance.  I need that focal point for the stability of life and the lessons to be learned.  I get it!  I just want to share it with my family and friends.  I recently received an email from a friend that has gone through a difficult few years.  The pain is still evident and it seems as if this friend is still stuck in a hole swirling around, not able to step out from the past and live in the present.  What a hard thing to do if you are the one swimming.  It is easy for those on the outside to say it will get better in time but when it is you, it seems impossible to stay focused.  However, that is the only way out of the endless misery of "why me" and "what ifs". 

The Savior is our focal point, he is the only way to happiness.  It is through Him and because of Him we have hope.  To my friend, I've heard your testimony, I know you believe.  Look up, away from the roadside and find a stable focal point, stay focused on the Savior.  Happiness is promised to those that endure.

I have such wonderful friends in my life that have helped me stay focused.

I am truly blessed!

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