Saturday, January 8, 2011

Steroids, REALLY?

I realize my theme for this blog is "In All Things Give Thanks" but today I am really struggling with being thankful for STEROIDS!  My doctor and I have this wonderful understanding, he doesn't mention the word predisone and I don't cry!  He calls it the "S" word while he is consulting me and I remind him I will get the emergency pack refilled and keep it on hand BUT it wont be used unless I have to crawl to it on my hands and knees because my joints are so frozen that I have no other choice. 

My dear doctor is very patient with me.  He does however, roll his eyes at me often, like I don't see that... please I've taught 6th grade girls for 14 years.  I can see eyes being rolled at me with my back turned away.  Anyway, this past week as been one of those weeks where the doctor wins, I cry, predisone is prescribed, I cry, inflammation decreases, I can breathe,  the pain subsides, the hunger begins, the food is inhaled, I step on the scale and I CRY!!!!  15 days on predisone= 15 pounds of steroid fat!  It's not pretty!  The face is swollen, my hair is falling out, no clothes fit AT all, I have nothing wear to go back to work and yes I cry!

I went to the bank yesterday morning early and decided I wanted to go to the store and pick me up a fountain drink.  I walked out all by myself with a 64 ounce fountain drink (I've never gotten one that big ever), a large cup of hot chocolate with 3 creamers, and not just one donut three donuts.  I couldn't believe I was climbing myself into my little car with all of this for just me! 

Steroids are evil, I try to be thankful for all of the miraculous things that they have done for me this week but really?  3 donuts, hot chocolate and a 64 ounce fountain drink, really?  I'm done!

I know I would like to breath and be able to walk across the room without passing out due to the lack of having adequate lung function.  But I really really want my cute size 10 pants back!  I want to wear my darling little carpi's with my adorable shoes.

I'm in a quandary?

I am still contemplating what exactly I'm thankful for today.  Any suggestions?  Seriously?


  1. Sorry you are having to deal with such "not fun" stuff. Although if it makes you feel any better, I don't even have steroids as an excuse for eating multiple donuts. Hang in there. Love, Aeme

  2. Really? Nobody else has anything to say about this issue! Is it a silent nusiances that nobody wants to admit that they have to deal with. I swear it's more evil than healpful!
